Yoga Alliance Certified School

Explore 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

This is a unique experience of combining the art and science of yoga with the beauty and spirituality of Bali through this 200 hour yoga teacher training course. Dense lush green tropical cultures with an ancient Balinese smell form a beautiful venue for an individual seeking personal development, professional training, and in-depth knowledge of yoga. This program is internationally recognised and, on the top of its curriculum, covers all aspects of traditional and modern yoga.

This is a certification for a yoga teacher in 200 hours for those who want to be trained as yoga teachers or yoga enthusiasts looking to sharpen their practice. Participants have in-depth exposure to all philosophies, correct posturing, breathing techniques, and other forms of teaching through experts' teaching. You will be qualified to teach yoga worldwide with the prestigious Yoga Alliance certification after completing this course.

Join the 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali to experience the knowledge and training that you have been looking for; here you will learn more about why or what the advantages of joining the training in Bali. Explore information about the Yoga Alliance Certification, Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga and many more things that are necessary for the course training.

200 Hours Yoga TTC

Course Details

Duration: 20 Days
Language: English
Private/Shared Accommodation
Satvik Meals
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Certification: Yoga Alliance
Style: Multi Style
Weekly Excursion
Course Materials

Why Choose 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali?

The Island of the Gods - in other ways, it aptly fits the condition of spiritual energy or atmosphere for Yoga Teacher Training Bali offers its participants. It's the serene place, along with nature's earthly beauty, in which everyone can be lost in the practice and transformation in themselves. It is as full of rich culture, spiritual traditions, and surrounding natural beauty that a guest finds a conducive location for nurturing the body, mind, and spirit.

The 200 hour yoga training Bali has been well-designed to cater for the whole development of the participant's mind, body, and soul. From enhancing their physical practice, participants go beyond just that and immerse themselves into the deeper disciplines of meditation as well as philosophy and anatomy. With the help of experienced teachers and a community that listens and understands, this program provides a safe platform through which participants achieve personal breakthroughs and thus the confidence required to teach yoga effectively with authenticity.

A Complete 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum

The fundamental features of this 200 hour yoga teacher training curriculum have been prepared with future yoga teachers in consideration. Immense detail has been poured over the different dimensions of posture, breath, meditation, and alignment. Exposure to various yoga styles such as Hatha yoga and Ashtanga forms a major part of the classes.

These classes have a good emphasis on alignment, breath, and mindfulness so that students create their practice and can deliver it to others. Anatomy, physiology, and yoga philosophy are also covered in the curriculum.

Through these modules, a student learns about the human body and the principles of yoga practice, which makes teaching safe and effective. Further knowledge of the yogic texts and the philosophy makes one closer to the understanding of the true core of what yoga is. Graduates emerge from the training with an internationally recognised qualification in yoga teacher training.

Discover Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga in Bali

The 200 hour yoga teacher training in Bali mainly deals with classical styles of yoga: Hatha yoga and Ashtanga yoga Bali. Hatha yoga is relatively gentle and holistic, emphasizing balance, alignment, and breath control; again, it is the most appropriate for beginners, by the way, is built up for strength, flexibility, and awareness through practice. It prepares the practitioner to begin discovering yoga in greater depth for more dynamic styles later on.

Ashtanga Yoga Bali, on the other hand, is a practice that is vigorous and very systemic, with one's breath being synchronised with certain sequences of postures in that format. Such a dynamic style challenges you physically and mentally to attain and develop fitness, concentration, and discipline. Hatha and Ashtanga are therefore joint practices through which participants cultivate a richer understanding of traditional yoga and skills to train students from the most basic to the advanced level.

Immerse Yourself in Yoga Classes and Daily Practice

The daily schedule is holistic and comprises very serious yoga classes in the morning, meditation, and philosophy sessions as part of a 200hr yoga teacher training Bali. The day begins with morning practice, which consists of asanas (postures), pranayama (breath control), and mindfulness. Such a session is meant to awaken the body and mind and infuse energy, clarity, and inner peace.

In the afternoon, sessions focus on such subjects as safety alignment, application in teaching, and hands-on adjustments. Students learn to safely and effectively guide or instruct people while increasing their learning experiences and confidence for future teaching. Evening sessions can often involve meditation, yoga nidra, and/or philosophical discussion to inspire introspection and development. Gradually, individuals can gain great discipline and self-awareness in connection with yoga through such a daily routine.

Achieve Your Yoga Teacher Certification in Bali

Life-changing for anyone is to become a certified yoga teacher through the 200 hour yoga teacher certification program in Bali. This program imparts both the theoretical and practical aspects of yoga, so one learns to teach with confidence and compassion. Under the supervision of qualified instructors, the students learn to design classes, involve different age groups and personalities of students.

This yoga instructor certification Bali is not meant only for physical practice but also for self-growth and personal transformation. Open one's door for people to realise the limitations and potential powers to become yoga teachers. After successful completion of the training, one is prepared to share a gift with the world and make a contribution back to society.

The Benefits of Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

The 200 hour yoga taught in Bali brings with it lots of benefits other than physical work. Physically, it enables the body to become strong, flexible, and able to withstand daily practices of training. However, mentally, it becomes a means to attain focus, clarity, and emotional balance. In this way, students can manage stress and have much more of their being improved. Spiritually, one can say that the imaginative environment of Bali nurtures inner reflection and growth - reconnecting someone to himself.

In addition to professional certification, the program includes a community of genuinely supportive, inspiring individuals sharing the same mentality as you. Participants tend to build long-term friendships and connections so that it is a supportive network that does not end with the conclusion of training. The result is this unique mix of personal transformation and professional certification, with an immersion in culture that makes this 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Bali one for the memory banks an unforgettable, life-changing experience.

200 Hours Yoga TTC

Course Dates and Fee

5 Feb - 25 Feb 2025
Few seats left
5 Mar - 25 Mar 2025
Few seats left
5 Apr - 25 Apr 2025
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5 May - 25 May 2025
Few seats left
5 Jun - 25 Jun 2025
Few seats left
5 Jul - 25 Jul 2025
Few seats left
5 Aug - 25 Aug 2025
Few seats left
5 Sep - 25 Sep 2025
Few seats left
5 Oct - 25 Oct 2025
Few seats left
5 Nov - 25 Nov 2025
Few seats left

Course Duration:

25 Days

Course Fee:

USD 1900
USD 1700

Shared Room

USD 2550
USD 2300

Private Room

200 Hours Yoga TTC

Course Syllabus & Schedule

06:30 - 07:30

Pranayama & Meditation

08:00 - 09:30

Asana (Hatha, and Alignment - Intro to the technique and practice)

09:30 - 10:00


11:00 - 13:00

Teaching Methodology, Anatomy - Physiology, Alignment and Adjustment

13:00 - 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:30

Rest or Self study

15:30 - 16:30

Philosophy (History of Yoga , Yog darshan )

16:30 - 18:00

Asana (Vinyasa and Flow)

18:10 - 18:30

Yog Nidra and Sound Healing



Asana is a Sanskrit word that means, "Yogic Postures or Movements". Traditionally defines, asana means "Comfortable Seat", which means, it is a seated posture used in meditation.

Yoga poses that you will learn in 200 hour yoga ttc:

Tadasana (Mountain Pose) Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I Pose) Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II Pose) Parsvakonasana (Side Angle Pose) Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend) Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog) Balasana (Child's Pose) Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose) Salabhasana (Locust Pose) Ustrasana (Camel Pose) Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) 1st Week Pawanmuktasana series A Surya Namaskar ( Hatha) Virbhadrasana A & B Utthita Trikona asana Parvakonasana Parivritta parsvakonasana Parivritta Trikonasana parsvaottanasana Sitting postures Bhardwaj asana Merudanda vakrasana Ardha matsendrasana Ardha ustrasana Bhujangasana Ardha salbasana Paschimottasana Janusirsasana purvottansana pawan muktasana series B 2nd Week pawan muktasana C / A Surya namaskar B Trikonasana Parsvakonasana Virbhadrasana A Virbhadrasana B Ardha chandrasana Virbhadrasana C Utthita hasta padangusthasana A/ B Vriksasana Garudasana Sitting postures Marichyasana A Marichyasana B Marichyasana C Back bending postures Ustrasana Rajkapottasana Dhanurasana Chakrasana Setubandhasana Forward fold Paschimottanasana Janu sirsasana Triangmukha ekapada paschimotanasana Gatyamal paschimotanasana purvottanasana Inversions Sarvagasana Core exercises 3rd Week Sun salutation A/ B/ C (Hatha yoga) Sequencing Virbhadrasana A & B Trikonasana Parivrtta Trikonasana Parsvakonasana Parivrittaparsvakonasana Arm-balancing Bakasana Mayurasana Eka padabaka dhyanasana Parsva bakasana Dwi hasta bhujasana Hamasana Vashisthasana Vrischikasana Kaundilyasana Astavakrasana Inversions Sarvangasana Sirsasana Halasana Karnapidasana Matsyasana Savasana Teaching methodology

Pranayama, also known as breathing exercise is the foundation of yoga practice. "Prana" means breath and "Ayama" means to control; on combined, "Pranayama" means "to control or hold the breath".

The pranayama syllabus for a 200 hour yoga teacher training bali typically covers the following techniques and concepts:

Introduction to Pranayama- meaning, benefits, and precautions

Anatomy of Breathing- understanding the respiratory system and diaphragmatic breathing

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing)- techniques and variations

Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breathing)- techniques and variations

Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breath)- techniques and variations

Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath)- techniques and variations

Sheetali Pranayama (Cooling Breath)- techniques and variations

Sheetkari Pranayama (Hissing Breath)- techniques and variations

Bandhas (Energy Locks)- understanding the three bandhas and their benefits

Mudras (Gestures)- understanding the importance of mudras in pranayama practice and their benefits.

Observing your deep breaths which facilitate to still your mind for a few minutes, where it is away from all the unnecessary aspects; this is meditation. There are mainly 4 types of meditation styles you'll focus on, i.e., Traditional Himalayan Meditation, Healing Meditation, Crystal Meditation, and Sound Meditation.

The meditation syllabus for a 200 hour yoga teacher training bali typically covers the following :

Introduction to meditation and its benefits

Types of meditation: concentration, mindfulness, loving-kindness, etc.

Techniques of meditation: breath awareness, body scan, visualization, mantra, etc.

Practice of meditation: sitting, walking, standing, lying down, etc.

Obstacles in meditation and ways to overcome them

Creating a personal meditation practice

Teaching meditation to others: communication, instruction, sequencing, etc.

Incorporating meditation into yoga classes

Meditation in daily life: developing mindfulness, stress reduction, emotional balance, etc.

Chanting the powerful, spiritual mantras helps in the union of the body with the mind. It will surely give you a deeply philosophical experience.

The mantra chanting syllabus for a 200 hour yoga teacher training bali typically covers the following :

Introduction to Mantra Chanting: Understanding the significance of mantra chanting in yoga, the benefits, and how it can be used as a tool for relaxation and meditation.

Basics of Sanskrit Language: Introduction to the Sanskrit language, learning the pronunciation of Sanskrit alphabets and basic vocabulary.

Basic Mantras: Learning simple mantras such as 'Om' and 'Shanti' and their meaning and significance in yoga.

Mantras for Meditation: Learning mantras for meditation such as 'Gayatri Mantra', 'Mahamrityunjaya Mantra', 'Om Namah Shivaya' and more.

Bhakti Yoga: Understanding the devotional aspect of yoga, and how mantra chanting can be used as a tool for spiritual growth.

Group Chanting: Practicing mantra chanting in a group, understanding the power of collective vibrations and how it can enhance the benefits of mantra chanting.

Mantra Therapy: Understanding the therapeutic aspect of mantra chanting, how it can be used to alleviate physical, mental and emotional ailments.

Integrating Mantra Chanting in Yoga Classes: Learning how to integrate mantra chanting in yoga classes as a teacher, and how to make it an integral part of yoga practice.

Anatomy deals with the bodily structure of an individual and how to protect from injuries. In the yoga teacher training classes, they conduct the theoretical class of Anatomy too.

The Anatomy and Physiology syllabus for a 200 hour yoga teacher training program in bali includes the following topics:

Introduction to human anatomy and physiology

The skeletal system and its importance in yoga practice

The muscular system and its importance in yoga practice

The respiratory system and its importance in pranayama

The nervous system and its importance in meditation and yoga practice

The circulatory system and its importance in yoga practice

The digestive system and its importance in yoga practice and diet

Common injuries and precautions in yoga practice

Modifications and adjustments for different body types and physical conditions

The aim of this syllabus is to provide an understanding of how the human body works and how it relates to yoga practice. This knowledge can help yoga teachers to teach their students safely and effectively, and to make modifications and adjustments as necessary to meet the individual needs of their students.

The 200 hour yoga teacher training courses focus on body alignments, which means doing poses or asanas in an effortless state of body, according to the body composition of an individual. Alignments are very significant to understand any style of yoga practice.

The Alignment and Adjustment syllabus for a 200 hour yoga teacher training program in bali includes the following topics:

Introduction to Alignment and Adjustment

Understanding the importance of proper alignment and adjustment in yoga practice

Principles and benefits of alignment and adjustment

Basic Yoga Asanas and Their Alignments

Key alignment cues for foundational yoga poses, such as Tadasana, Downward-Facing Dog, Warrior I and II, and Tree Pose

Hands-on adjustments for these poses

Common Misalignments and Injuries in Yoga

Understanding common mistakes and misalignments in yoga poses

Identifying and preventing potential injuries

Adjusting and Assisting Students in Yoga Practice

Verbal and hands-on adjustments for different body types and levels of practice

Developing sensitivity and intuition in adjusting and assisting students

Ethics of Touch and Adjustments in Yoga

Understanding boundaries and consent in yoga adjustments

Creating a safe and supportive environment for students

Advanced Asanas and Adjustments

Introduction to more challenging yoga poses, such as inversions, arm balances, and backbends

Advanced adjustment techniques for these poses

Sequencing and Teaching with Alignment and Adjustment

Incorporating alignment and adjustment principles into yoga class sequencing

Developing the skills to teach and adjust students with confidence

Practice Teaching and Feedback

Practice teaching with a focus on alignment and adjustment

Receiving constructive feedback from teachers and peers

Review and Integration

Reviewing key alignment and adjustment principles and techniques

Integrating alignment and adjustment into personal practice and teaching.

Philosophy here means Yoga Philosophy which includes the systemic study of the body, mind, and spirit of an individual.

The philosophy syllabus for a 200-hour yoga teacher training program includes the following topics:

Introduction to yoga philosophy and its relevance to modern life

Study of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and its interpretation

Exploration of the Eight Limbs of Yoga and their practical applications in daily life

Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita and its teachings

Study of the three Gunas and their impact on human behavior

Understanding of the concept of Karma and its relevance to life

Introduction to Ayurveda and its connection to yoga philosophy

Exploration of the chakra system and its relationship with yoga practice

Understanding of the concept of Dharma and its application in daily life

Study of different yoga traditions and their philosophical underpinnings.

Shatkarmas is basically the six purification techniques that aim to clean the body, free from all diseases. More than this, it improves the flow of prana into the organs of the body.

The Shatkarmas syllabus for a 200-hour yoga teacher training program includes the following topics:

Neti (nasal cleansing): Jala neti, Sutra neti

Dhauti (cleansing of digestive tract): Vastra dhauti

Nauli (abdominal massage): Madhyama nauli, Vama nauli, Daksina nauli

Basti (colon cleansing): Jala basti, Sthala basti

Kapalabhati (breathing exercise): Bhastrika, Kapalabhati

Trataka (meditative gazing): Candle flame trataka, Black dot trataka

During the Shatkarmas portion of the yoga teacher training, students can learn the techniques, practice them, and also learn about the benefits, contraindications, and precautions. It is also important to learn about the traditional context and cultural significance of these practices.

Teaching methodology in the yoga courses specifically aim in providing a nurturing environment to students, making lesson plans, setting class environment, and conducting classes regarding various yogic practices for gaining enough confidence and awareness on building a good student-teacher relationship.

The Teaching methodology syllabus for a 200 hour yoga teacher training program in bali includes the following topics:

Teaching skills:This includes techniques for effective communication, how to give clear instructions, how to use voice and body language, how to create a positive and supportive environment, and how to manage different types of students.

Lesson planning:This includes how to plan and sequence a yoga class, how to choose appropriate asanas, pranayama, and meditation practices, how to modify the class for different levels of students, and how to create a safe and balanced class.

Teaching practice:This includes opportunities for participants to practice teaching and receiving feedback from the trainers and other participants.

Ethics and professionalism:This includes understanding the ethical principles of yoga teaching, creating professional boundaries, maintaining student confidentiality, and creating a safe and inclusive environment for all students.

Business skills:This includes basic business skills such as marketing, branding, and how to create and maintain a successful yoga teaching career.

Adjustments and modifications:This includes understanding how to make adjustments and modifications to the asanas for different levels of students and how to use props and modifications to make the class safe and accessible to all.

Classroom management:This includes understanding how to manage the class and how to create a positive and supportive environment for all students.

Overall, the teaching methodology syllabus aims to help participants develop the skills and knowledge needed to become effective and confident yoga teachers.

Experience Yoga Alliance Certification and International Recognition

Having completed 200 hour yoga teacher training constraints one with an internationally recognized Yoga Alliance certificate that assures an individual of a yoga profession anywhere in the world. The program meets the elite standards of yoga education provided by the registered yoga school Yoga Alliance RYS. The program thus ensures complete and transformational training.

As a credential that is recognised and required all over the world, the Yoga Alliance International certificate opens doors to professional development for many yoga practitioners but also adds more credibility to them as yoga instructors. It will ensure that anyone teaching yoga or becoming self-employed as an instructor- most likely found in studios, retreats, or online platforms stands differentiated from the 1 out of 10 instructors wanted of being qualified and knowledgeable in teaching yoga. A wide network of certified yoga teachers worldwide is ready to empower you to inspire others to experience life-changing moments through yoga practice.


Our yoga school is located in the charming town of Ubud, surrounded by breathtaking natural scenery and an artistic ambiance that will invigorate your senses.

Our accommodations for 200 hour yoga teacher training students are designed to offer you the utmost comfort and relaxation. Each room is equipped with modern amenities with magnificent views that will soothe your mind and spirit.

The yoga school also features a spacious lounge where you can unwind and connect with like-minded yogis, as well as a large swimming pool where you can refresh and recharge after a long day of practice.

At Divine Path Retreat, we understand that yoga is more than just a physical practice. That's why we provide opportunities to explore the rich culture of Bali through cultural activities, local cuisine, and guided excursions. Immerse yourself in the vibrant ambiance of Bali and deepen your practice with Yoga in Bali with Divine Path Retreat.

During the 200-hour yoga teacher training, you will stay in a spacious room with an ensuite bathroom, a working desk, a sofa, overlooking the pool.


Satvik Food

Divine Path Retreat believes that “when the diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When the diet is correct, medicine is of no need”.

We believe that a healthy diet is an essential component of any yoga teacher training.we understand the importance of nourishing your body with the right foods to support your 200 hour yoga practice in Bali.

Our yogic food program is an integral part of our yoga programs in Bali. We offer delicious, all-vegetarian meals made from seasonal vegetables, fresh fruits, and juices. Our meals are cooked fresh daily to ensure that you receive all the necessary nutrients to fuel your body for your yogic practices.

Our menu is designed to support your body and mind throughout your training, providing you with the energy and sustenance you need to deepen your practice and achieve your goals.

The following dietary requirements are served:

Vegetarian, Vegan and Gluten-Free, Other dietary requirements on request


A high degree of self-motivation is required for all aspects of the course. The practice and especially the teaching of yoga demand a high degree of self-discipline and purity. To ensure the success of the program, participants are required to attend all spiritual activities, meditation sessions, lectures and asana classes.

Meat, fish, eggs, alcohol, tobacco, drugs and nudity are prohibited during the course as they are counterproductive to the yoga practice. Participants who do not comply with the school rules may be dismissed from the course.

Rules for Students

Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited in the school. If you are having a fast any day, you have to inform the kitchen manager for avoiding food waste. Always make discipline, respect teachers and follow all rules. Always be on the time, you are late means will not be permitted to join the class.

Clear your books of account before departure from Divine Path Retreat. Before departure return your books, maps or any goods which you borrowed. Divine Path Retreat provides accommodation for a student who joins the yoga course. So any friends or relatives will not be included in accommodation however they can stay in school by renting another room. The student has to be present in all scheduled program of Divine Path Retreat.

Refund Policy

An advance of course fees will not be refundable, only in the case of emergency students can join us on other schedules.

If a student cancels the course after joining it, we accept cancellation but course fees will not be refunded in cancellation. There is no charge of course cancellation.

Join the Best Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

The 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification Program in Bali is an invitation to personal exploration, evolution, and empowerment when embarking on the journey to being a yoga teacher. This is indeed the program for you if you want to deepen your practice, start a teaching career, or even just experience yoga at its most pristine level. You will receive guidance from expert instructors in pursuing a comprehensive curriculum in a serene outdoor setting, such as Bali- and walk away with the confidence, skills, and know-how to become a successful teacher.

You will make the journey to discover what true yoga is all about in magnificent Bali and experience enchanting nature and spiritual energies while doing so. Mastering the rest of the styles like Hatha yoga, and Ashtanga yoga, and graduating with a yoga teacher trainer certification is empowering on all fronts. Start your journey towards a rewarding and meaningful career in yoga with 200 yoga teacher training in Bali.

Yoga training Bali is not only about getting certified but also establishing the search for oneself, bringing others, and living a life of purpose. Travel to Bali and take this personal pilgrimage that won't last long. A 200 hour yoga teacher training on changing your life experience itself will be a part of the package.

Get Directions

Our Locations


  Laxman Jhula, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand


  H.No. 621, Madhalawada, Arambol, Pernem, North Goa, 403512

Ubud, Bali

  Jl. Raya Sayan, Ubud, Kecamatan Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571, Indonesia


Frequently Asked Questions

Yoga teacher training programs in Bali range from 21 to 28 days, varying by the schedule and intensity of courses. Most popular certification courses are 200 hour yoga teacher training courses made very immersive and packed with classes, theory, anatomy, and methodologies of teaching. Some courses last 3 to 4 weeks that involve full-day classes while some programs are conducted for a more extended time for students who would like to go at a slower pace.

200 hour yoga teacher training in Bali is worth it for anyone trying to delve deeper into his or her practice or for part-time or career Yoga teaching. The tranquil ambience, world-class yoga schools, and the experience of the teacher truly make it one of the best places to be trained. This course generally gives a good understanding of asanas, Pranayama, meditation, and teaching skills. Moreover, you experience the spiritual culture of Bali as a bonus to your learning journey. Most students find that the investment becomes valuable as they are fully absorbed into their transformation in these peaceful environments.

The 200 hour yoga teacher training is considered the best certification for any beginner who wants to take yoga instructors. It is accredited under the aegis of international organisations like the Yoga Alliance so it is suitable per global standards. The next step for those who want to deepen their knowledge would be a 300-hour yoga teacher training course, which teaches advanced training techniques, anatomy, and yoga philosophy. The combined courses lead to a 500 hour yoga teacher training in Bali, which is well-reputed regarding experienced yoga teachers.

It meets the entry-level requirement; 200 hours is sufficient to teach yoga, in general. An aspirant instructor will have an understanding of yoga practice, teaching methodology, alignment principles, and philosophy as part of this 200 hour course. They will gain the skills and confidence to conduct lessons in groups or individually. Teaching yoga is, however, a profession that does not graduate to completion, and many teachers continue to take additional training for workshops for further fine-tuning and deepening their practice.

To become a certified yoga teacher, training at a yoga school for 200 hours is minimum and compulsory. The basic level of yoga certification covers the following aspects": asanas, pranayama, meditation, anatomy, and methodology of teaching. Most of these instructors take 300 or 500 hour certifications to complete their skills and knowledge upgrade.

The 200 hour yoga teacher certification course is the primary base course for novice teachers that covers all basic instructions and equipment for teaching the discipline. Aspects of complete yoga postures, yoga philosophy, anatomy, and the method of teaching are what these will chiefly cover. Instead, the advanced course requires earlier completion of the 200 hour certification to access the 300-hour yoga teacher training. It will provide much more detail on advanced postures, yoga therapy, teaching methodologies, and the philosophy of yoga in general. The two courses complete each other leading to a 500 hour certification, which qualifies the instructor as an advanced yoga teacher.

The 200 hour yoga teacher training in Bali generally takes 21-28 days, depending on the schedule and format of the program. Most programs follow intensive daily timing for classes, activities, and practice sessions, completing the certification within a month. Some schools offer flexible or part-time courses for those who want to attend for a longer duration.

The fees of a 200 hour yoga teacher training in Bali depend on the school, accommodation, and facilities it provides. For the most part, the costs are between 1500 - 3000 USD. This fee usually includes tuition, course materials, accommodation, and meals for the duration of the training. Depending on the level of luxury involved, higher costs for premium programs are available, although "budget-friendly" programs also exist for those interested in a low-cost training experience.